
The GW Regulatory Studies Center scholars regularly conduct applied research to understand regulatory policy and practice from a public interest perspective. Our content often takes the form of public interest comments, formal testimony, working papers, policy insights, and short commentaries analyzing the most pressing issues in regulatory policy. View the rest of our material by the different types of publications listed on this page or our research areas.

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What We Publish

Illustration of speech bubbles, indicating comments

Public Comments & Testimonies

Scholarly analysis of the potential effects of particular rulemakings from federal agencies, and advice to Congress on how to improve the rulemaking process.


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Commentaries & Insights

Short-form publications intended for all audiences which provide easy to access analysis of regulatory policy.

Image of an open book

Books & Reports

Formal publications, often completed with other leading organizations and individuals, providing a thorough understanding of regulations and the rulemaking process.

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The weekly Regulation Digest contains everything you need to know about regulatory policy today, and our monthly Center Update gives you all of the latest from our team.


For accessible charts and supporting data that you can use in your own publications or presentations, visit the Reg Stats page.


Latest Publications 

A Lookback at the Law: How Congress Uses the CRA

How the Congressional Review Act works and how Congress uses it.

Summary: Discussion on Retrospective Review of Regulation

Participants attending a breakout session explored the potential for data collection and analysis to enable assessments of regulations after implementation.

Summary: Discussing Applications of Generative AI to Rule Development and Evaluation

In a wide-ranging discussion, breakout session participants highlighted potential risks and benefits of AI tools, particularly for the public commenting process

Summary: The Role of Technology in Public Participation in the Regulatory Process

AI could help individuals shape their public comments into a format most useful to agencies

On Misciting Marbury

In deciding whether to overrule the Chevron doctrine, the Supreme Court should not be persuaded by mistaken invocations of a famous dictum.

Event Highlights: Building On Regulatory Foundations and Bridging to the Future

November 2023 event celebrates anniversaries of Executive Order 12866 and Circular A-4

2023 Regulatory Year In Review

Top ten trends in federal agency actions for 2023

On the FTC's Trade Regulation on Unfair or Deceptive Fees Proposed Rule

More research is needed to understand which types of "junk fees" warrant regulating

Top Ten Essays from 2023

Our scholars and experts explored a wide range of topics last year and published leading insights on the regulatory developments that mattered most.

Biden's Fall 2023 Unified Agenda

Overview and highlights of notable actions in the Fall 2023 Unified Agenda